Northstar Digital Literacy
Improve your digital skills with computers, software, and technology. Online, self-guided modules assess the ability of individuals to perform tasks based on skills in three main areas:
Improve your digital skills with computers, software, and technology. Online, self-guided modules assess the ability of individuals to perform tasks based on skills in three main areas:
Full-text articles from hundreds of trade and industry-related publications, plus indexing and abstracts for hundreds of journals. Publications include Modern Machine Shop, Pediatric Nursing, Wireless Week, Drug Store News, Reeves Journal, Restaurant Business, Advertising Age, and many more.
Highly specialized collection of information for educators, professional librarians, and education researchers. Includes abstract and index coverage for well-known professional development titles as well as full-text articles from educational journals, including peer-reviewed titles.
Access to literature and resources about teaching and education. Full-text for more than 300,000 journal articles, research reports, curriculum and teaching guides, conference papers, dissertations and theses, standards and guidelines, and books. Additional citations for more than 1.3 million records on all aspects of education.
Access to hundreds of highly interactive FREE online courses taught by college instructors and other experts in the field. Courses cover everything from health and wellness to creative writing, computer programming to sign language, grant writing to GED preparation, and much more. Courses generally run for six weeks and new sessions begin every month.
The official state website for Ohio job opportunities. Job resources include a resume builder, interview prep, career exploration, budgeting and finance, scholarship search, links to available positions, and more. Access an interactive online collection of practice tests and tutorial courses designed to help adult learners succeed on academic/licensing tests. Tests include: GED Prep, SAT, ACT, GRE, ASVAB/Military, Nursing, Real Estate, Law Enforcement, US Citizenship, Civil Service, and more. Also provides tutorials to improve computer, math, and English skills.
A free career resource that provides a growing database of company reviews, CEO approval ratings, salary reports, interview reviews & questions, and more all posted anonymously by employees of the companies listed. Users may also browse job listings and use Glassdoor to facilitate connections with employers and employees using Facebook or Google.