The Dr. Samuel L. Bossard Memorial Library/Gallia County District Library is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, gender, disability or any other characteristic protected by law.
To apply: Find the job posting in which you are interested, download and read the job description, download, print, and complete the Application for Employment, and mail the completed application to the address on the application.
PLEASE NOTE: ALL Applications for Employment must be MAILED to the library; no applications will be accepted by any other means.
All prospective employees of The Dr. Samuel L. Bossard Memorial Library/Gallia County District Library must successfully pass a criminal background check.
All Applications for Employment will be retained for a period of six months.
Applications will only be accepted for open positions.
Current openings: Part-time Custodian.
Please see job posting, job description, and application for employment below, if openings exist.
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